Sunday, 26 February 2012

Nailed Anthology - Edited by Lyle Perez -Tinics and Charlotte Emma Gledson

Received our first 5 star review from Amazon!

If you are unsure if you like this kind of book this is defiantly a good one to start with. It has some dark parts and there is a lot of women's revenge stories here. The erotic parts were not as detailed as I thought they would be and the language is not too bad. The stories are no doubt horror and suspense and they are a lot of fun to read. Each author in this book held my attention with their story and I am so glad to have had a chance to read this book. But be warned and follow the disclaimer at the front of this book because if you are squeamish this is not for you.

"Nailed! An Erotic Death Anthology" presented by Rainstorm Press are thirteen sexually charged and explicit tales where death, sex and violence blur into one explosive thrill. Lurid stories of revenge, obsession and lust, takes the reader on an enticing journey of anticipation and horror, daring to break the boundaries of normal sexual desires.

Give into your deepest desires, if you dare… Blurb by ME! ;)

Stories Include:

Another POV
By Matt Kurtz

Fucking Revenge
By Nelia Thompson

Suck Me Dry!
By Anna M. Lowther

It Grows on You
By Ramon Mendez Jr.

Over to our Weather Girl for a Live Feed
By Nathan Robinson

By Paul Edmonds

And more …

This book is for mature adults only.

Saturday, 11 February 2012

100 Horrors by Crentus Libri featurimg my story Detachment

My story is amongst 100 flash fiction tales (under 100 words) hosted by Crentus Libri Press. My story is entitled Detachment. Out 20th Feb from all book retailers and Kindle.